About Q’Man!®


Q’Man!® is a “Rapid Quantum Transformation” method, characterised by simplicity and with immediate, profound and lasting impact on all possible life domains.

Q'Man!® is based on the enhanced development and integration of a "Quantum Healing" method originally created by a Flemish medical doctor within my coaching framework. His approach yielded remarkable results in health and various aspects of life, including relationships, family, finances, work, and creativity, making it a powerful holistic method.

Q'Man!® is simple, effortless, fast-acting, and delivers long-lasting results. Additionally, it is enjoyable and beneficial for both the practitioner and the client.

  • Simple

    Q’Man!® requires no efforts

  • Fast

    Effects are experienced quickly

  • Lasting

    Profound & Lasting Results

  • Fun

    Enriching & Fun for both Practitioner and Client

Health & Happiness

“Good Health and Happiness are our basic rights. Material, emotional, mental, and spiritual 'blockages' are at the root of about 95% of all diseases and most other problems.”

Our greatest inner saboteurs are negative or limiting thoughts, beliefs, fears, conditioning, childhood memories, minor and major traumas, and personal, family, and environmental factors.

All these programs are located in the subconscious. With Q'Man!®, we free up the blocked energy and information flows. We give people back to themselves so that they can start shaping their lives to their authentic, full potential.

“Q'Man!® restores your full, authentic power. You can feel the difference during the first session.”

“People operate on unconscious programming 95% of the time. Moreover, the unconscious is a million times stronger than the conscious.”

(Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D.)

How does it work?

Q'Man!® is a Holistic Approach to personal growth.

Ignorance is frequently the underlying cause of many problems. The three basic sessions only take about 15 minutes each and are integrated into our coaching sessions. We provide additional explanations and clarification to replace ignorance with new insights and knowledge.

During the first session, we focus on removing emotional blockages and addressing the core of your being. In the second session, we tackle mental blockages (illusions), helping you see things clearly. Finally, in the third session, we address external and spiritual blockages, helping you find balance and harmony.

Q'Man!® uses a specific questionnaire that cannot be answered rationally. Instead, we rely on the Higher Self to answer through muscle tension (known from Kinesiology), without requiring the person to say or do anything. Once we've identified the blockages, we immediately replace them with desirable, positive ones, creating new thoughts and programs. The new information then is anchored in the cellular consciousness

“So, now 95% of who we are by the time we’re 35 years old is a memorized set of behaviors, emotional reactions, unconscious habits, hardwired attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions that function like a computer program.”

— Dr. Joe Dispenza

Integrative, Safe & Complementary

  • Q'Man!® works for everyone. Even people without significant complaints can benefit from it. The results are often very surprising. No diagnoses or analyses are made; people do not have to tell their whole story for the umpteenth time.

  • Q'Man!® is safe and has no side effects. We don't deal with the symptoms but eliminate the underlying causes. Moreover, this method is compatible with other healing methods and therapies and supports regular medical, psychological, or other treatments.

  • Q'Man!® is based on the most advanced scientific insights (Quantum Physics, Epigenetics, Mind-Body Biology, etc.), combined with ancient spiritual wisdom and traditions (Ayurveda, etc.).

  • Q'Man!® works quickly without specific expectations regarding the effects. We are open to small and large miracles. For more complex problems, of course, more patience is needed.

“Q'Man!®, therefore, works with mathematical certainty, even if you don't understand 'how'. The changes in your energetic body can be detected immediately with Kirlian photography (GDV camera) ”

Transformation & Manifestation

  • Q'Man!® is also the ideal tool for those who are looking for support to realize their wildest plans or dreams.

  • The 'Law of Attraction’, visualizations, affirmations, intentions, making plans and taking inspired action usually get stuck on underlying, often deeply unconscious blockages.

  • Q'Man!® gets to the heart of the matter and replaces the obstacles with positive, empowering beliefs. Go for that dream!

The three basic Q’Man!® sessions, which are integrated into our coaching program, can be likened to a "clean sweep" of your computer. You don't have to conduct a thorough analysis first. Viruses, malware, and faulty or outdated software are expertly removed. Your device will function again as if you just unboxed it.

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